Music, Sports & Entertainment & Tech
Music & Entertainment Industry Transformation
James will provide a clear and transparent process in the discovery, development and distribution of performing arts. The JNUBi team will facilitate this by applying sound simple evidenced based practices that are unique enough not to be a cookie cutter approach, but similar enough to be streamlined and efficient in its delivery.
Jnubi entertainment & Film is building entertainment infrastructures world-wide to exploit music, film, plays, videos, documentries, TV and short stories.
The Value of Technology in Sports
The Value of Technology in Sports In a Digital era plays many valuable roles in the present day and in the future of sports including sports entertainment, sports Management, and Marketing.
KB will be touching on the ways technology is being used to Market teams, players, sports brands, and corporate partners.
Technology is trailblazing the way statistics and date tracking, Social Media, and Sports technology for testing and development of athletes Are being used to add value to the sports industry.
Topic: Changing Business Environment, Trends and opportunities in the new digital area
Description: The Conference Panel delves into and engages in discussions regarding the implications for both businesses and society as a whole, in light of the swift advancements and integration of technology and AI. This encompasses an interactive Q&A session with the conference attendees.