Events, Webinars & Networking

Allister Coward

Executive Director, NPA Canada
Speaker Stage: Main Stage (Celebration Hall)

Business Networks & Collaborations

What constitutes a family? How do we define a community? What do we understand by Canada and the United States?
Allister will discuss the significance of cultivating individual and personalized financial growth among family members. He will delve into the essence of fostering strong and well-informed families to optimize financial independence. The presentation will shed light on the imperative of active and efficient engagement in business endeavors, alongside meaningful contributions to Canadian charities.

Furthermore, he will delve into the profound impact of cohesive and empowered communities working in unison, ultimately driving positive transformations within their localities. This collective effort contributes to fortifying cities, provinces, states, and nations, creating an enhanced living environment for all residents. Consequently, the presentation will conclude by underscoring the delicate yet crucial interplay between businesses and charities. It will highlight how the initiatives and undertakings delivered by charitable organizations hold immense value in their pursuit of enhancing the well-being of individuals, families, and communities worldwide.

NPA Canada has introduced an innovative program, characterized by a North American business roundtable comprising dedicated professionals and entrepreneurs. This collaborative network prioritizes the strategic advancement of businesses and job opportunities without reservation. For National Policy Alliance Canada, this model represents the cornerstone of unity and cooperative efforts, as they endeavor to contribute to the continued growth of trusted Canadian and American communities across the expanse of North America.

Elias Puurunen

Founder, Tractus Events
| Author
Speaker Stage: Main Stage (Celebration Hall)

Why Small and Medium Businesses Need to Own Events and Webinars

Book Title: Memorable, Profitable, Virtual Events for Your Business: How to Leverage the Last Frontier of Genuine Human Connection to Create Meaning, Value, and Lasting Connections

We are in the age of AI. Every day, brands churn out generic content with the help of ChatGPT. But conferences, trade shows, and webinars are still the best way to connect with the people behind the brand.

As a business owner, you know you should be running webinars or attending trade shows and conferences.
Which events are worth the investment? How do we run our own webinars? What should you talk about at your events?
You have an amazing product or service. Your customers get incredible results every day. Yet your competition always seems one step ahead of you. Most often, it’s because they’re running webinars and going to the right events. And you’re not.

Events are the best way for prospects to connect with the people behind the product.
The souls behind the service. They can turn cold leads into red-hot prospects.
But events only work if you have the right strategy.

In this session, we’ll talk about:
– The role of events in your sales and marketing budgets in 2024 and beyond
– Why you need to run your own trust-building lead-magnet webinars if you want to stay ahead of your competition
– The 7 easy-to-make mistakes that ruin the attendee experience, and how to avoid them
– How to choose which conferences and trade shows to attend so you can fill your sales pipeline
The secret tool that makes trading business cards at networking events obsolete… And fills your sales calendar

Whether you’ve only ever attended virtual events or have already hosted one (or more),
Elias will show you a new and better way to organize, run, and monetize highproduction value webinars for your business.


Panel of Conference Speakers
Speaker Stage: Main Stage (Celebration Hall)

Topic: Changing Business Environment, Trends and opportunities in the new digital area

Description: The Conference Panel delves into and engages in discussions regarding the implications for both businesses and society as a whole, in light of the swift advancements and integration of technology and AI. This encompasses an interactive Q&A session with the conference attendees.