Arts, Science & Tech

Dr. Jelani Clarke | PhD

Executive Director, DeSciWorld
Speaker Stage: Main Stage (Celebration Hall)

Introduction to Decentralized Science

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the convergence of science and technology is paving the way for a groundbreaking paradigm: Decentralized Science. This presentation offers an introduction to the world of decentralized science with a keen focus on novel data management tools and infrastructures.

Quentin VerCetty

Founder & Director of AstroSankofa Arts Initiatives
Speaker Stage: Main Stage (Celebration Hall)

Afrofuturistic Artrepreneurship And Activating The Power Of Digital IP For Web3

During the presentation award-winning and renown Afrofuturist, Quentin VerCetty will highlighting the general lack of awareness of the benefits that non-fungible token (NFTs) offer beyond sales for artists, designers, inventors and other creatives as it pertains to intellectual property and protecting their assets during the current quickly evolving screen industry revolution with Artificial intelligent and machine learning integration now a part of the computer generating imagining (CGI) field. Quentin VerCetty will share how AstroSankofa Arts Initiatives have been empowering Black and Indigenous artists to learn about the power of their digital assets and intellectual property as well as some of their best practices to help creatives expand their revenue earning potential via web3 platforms and blockchain technologies. Additionally, a conversation will be had on how the Black community can help ensure they are not being left out or behind in this next frontier.

David Kibuuka

Founder, Modern Batik Art Workshops

Speaker Stage: Second (Virtual) Stage (The Hub)


His Inspiration

Kibuuka’s art drains strength and depth from the beauty and power of deep-rooted African traditions and culture, but he is by no means limited in his traditionalism. Not only does Kibuuka excel in the realistic aspect of life in art, he also spans the abyss into the world of very contemporary art and science fiction art. Common themes in his work are images of Africa, particularly capturing the beauty of the African woman.

The Creations

The subject matter of Kibuuka’s work is very diverse, as is his use of the various media, including mixed media, acrylics, oils, pen and ink, water colour and pencil drawing. Kibuuka puts his heart and soul into every piece of work that he produces and this love is immediately visible to the viewer. One cannot help but be moved by his inspirational interpretations of life.


Panel of Conference Speakers 
Speaker Stage: Main Stage (Celebration Hall)

Topic: Changing Business Environment, Trends and opportunities in the new digital area

Description: The Conference Panel delves into and engages in discussions regarding the implications for both businesses and society as a whole, in light of the swift advancements and integration of technology and AI. This encompasses an interactive Q&A session with the conference attendees.